Nov 212014
Raspberry Pi A+ case options

In the 11 days since the Raspberry Pi A+ was launched, a few different case options have materialised. Here is a little video walkthrough of the options so far…

There are no doubt other options, or will be soon. Please feel free to leave a comment with a link to others that are worth a look.

  3 Responses to “Raspberry Pi A+ Cases”

  1. […] Alex Eames has done a round-up video of the case options available to you if you own a Raspberry Model A+. It’s quite a short video but it does showcase both the cases you can buy and that you can make yourself. Worth a watch. Take a look on RasPi.TV. […]

  2. For us robotics dabblers, one of the joys of a small module with mounting holes is that you don’t necessarily need a case.

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