Jan 282015
Hacking HDMIPi Power Switch with Feedback

In a recent post, I showed you how to hack the HDMIPi power switch so that you can turn the screen on and off from the Pi. But no sooner had I done that than my friend Peter Onion, wondering if there was a way to detect if the LCD is on or off in case it gets “out of sync”, tweeted this… @RasPiTV Is there a switched 3v3 supply to the LCD pannel ? Wire that to a GPIO input pin ? Or can you test monitor "on" via hdmi ? — Peter Onion […more…]

Jan 232015
Raspberry Pi Family Photo Update - The Red B+ and 256 Mb Rev 2 B

Back in November 2014 I wrote about the various production revisions of Raspberry Pi. I also published a “family photo” of the 10 different kinds of Pi I then owned. Since then, I’ve been given a 256 Mb Rev 2 model B by George Dowds of ThePiZone (thank you George) and I bought myself a red B+ from AliExpress. So now there are 12 Pi in the family photo, I thought it was worth a reshoot. If you fancy a closer look, you can click the below image for a higher resolution version. I set […more…]

Jan 142015
Hacking HDMIPi Power Switch

The HDMIPi driver board is a fairly complex design. I didn’t design it, although I did have some input into the feature list. I don’t fully understand how it works (something to do with the magic white smoke in the chips, I think), but I have messed around with it probably as much as anyone. Recently, several people have been asking if we can switch HDMIPi on and off programmatically from the Pi. Göran Roseen wants to be able to do it with this HDMIPi based clock… @Raspberry_Pi wall clock with go-to-school indicator that goes […more…]

Jan 052015
Documentation and Commenting Your Code

From observation of the computer industry going back to 1987, when I did a pre-university year at IBM Scientific Centre in Winchester, it seems that the very brightest and best programmers (software creatives) are often not very good at or not very keen on documenting their work. I think the reason for this is often misunderstood. Poor documentation is a source of great consternation in the world of Linux. In fact it’s a large part of the raison d’être for RasPi.TV. We, the users, often feel that the geniuses who write awesome software can’t be […more…]