When a new Raspberry Pi model is released, I like to add it to the Pi Family Photo. The aim of doing this is to maintain a record of pretty much all of the versions of the Raspberry Pi which could be purchased by the public. (I don’t include prototypes.)
What’s New This Time?
A few people commented at the last update (Pi3B+) back in March that I hadn’t included the Zero WH. The reason for that was that I didn’t own one. I hadn’t considered it a ‘new Pi’ because it was the same as the Zero W but with a header soldered on. Some of you disagreed and Jo Wynman very kindly sent me a Zero WH, so I’ve now included it.
The other new addition in the bottom-right slot is the Pi3A+ which was released about 3 weeks ago. It has exactly the same “HAT” footprint as the original A+, but with the 3B+ BCM2837B0 silicon and WiFi/Bluetooth module. It also has 512 MB of RAM vs the 3B+’s 1 gigabyte.
There are now 25 Pis in the Family Photo, which I publish under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
This means you can do pretty much anything you like with it apart from use it for commercial purposes. If you want to do that (or you want a higher resolution version), you can contact me (alex AT raspi dot tv) and we’ll work something out. Enjoy the Pi Family Photo.
Wow, nice job Alex! You’ll need a bigger camera soon ;-)
Normal service is resumed :)
Great, thank you! Complete again! Even the WH ;) and Brazilian and Japenese and Chinese!
Thanks !
Very nice <3 Thank you!
Will there be a new family picture anytime soon? Now there’s compute modules 3+, and the new 4B’s…
And now there’s compute modules 4, and the new Zero 2’s too, to think about…
I made a mistake in the 8GB Pi 4, here’s a better version https://i.postimg.cc/HJVfFX1R/Raspberry-Pi-Family-2024-11.jpg