May 162016

A new Raspberry Pi Zero with camera port is released today. It’s revision 1.3. Some power circuitry was moved and some unpopulated pads at U13 were removed to make space for the new mini camera port which is right on the end of the Pi Zero 1.3. Other than that, the new Zero looks much the same as the previous version. I did a little walkaround video, showing use of the camera port and camera output.
Adding a camera port to the Zero has opened up a whole new range of project possibilities. It’s added a lot of value to the Zero without adding a lot of cost. That’s a big win, in my view. Hearty congrats to Raspberry Pi and nice work Mike Stimson. :)
Can you update your power usage for the zero 1.3 shooting 1080p video? Specifically using the 8mp noir camera. Thanks.
I’d be very interested too by a power measurents chart update (
Thanks a lot.
I’ve just noticed another small difference – the miniHDMI socket used is slightly different, which means the Rev1.3 PiZero has a *completely* flat underside, whereas the Rev1.2 PiZero has 4 tiny ‘legs’ poking out. I guess this’ll make case-design and mounting much easier :-)
whats about the load on Motion usage? (stream) max tested Resolution without overload the System? (Wifi USB added / or usb to Ethernet for garden usage with steel case)