Back in October, I did part 1 of a series on interfacing Python to the Twitter API using Tweepy. Part 2 hasn’t happened yet because HDMIPi took over my life for several weeks as our KickStarter campaign went ballistic.
But you’ll probably be delighted to hear that today’s post is not about HDMIPi. It’s about a Prize Draw that I’ll be holding for @RasPiTV twitter followers.
I’ll be using the script I wrote in part 1 to pick a @RasPiTV twitter follower at random on Friday 27th December, and again on New Year’s Day. I may well make it into a regular thing, after that. We’ll see. All you have to do is follow @RasPiTV on Twitter.
So what’s the prize?
I’ve got three new products coming out soon. I’ve been working on these since the summer, and they’ve been through a couple of iterations. But now they’re almost ready to release. I hope they’ll be out some time in January. I’m not going to say exactly what they are yet, but I will say that they’re add-on boards for the Raspberry Pi.
Winner(s) will receive one of the fully functional prototypes of one of these boards. So it’s your chance to own something that other people won’t be able to have.
If that’s appealing to you, follow @RasPiTV on twitter. I’ll be announcing the winners on Twitter too.
I’d love to be able to do something similar for YouTube subscribers, but haven’t yet found an efficient way to pick a subscriber at random. Let me know in the comments, if you know a way of doing that efficiently.
A quick google search finds https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/subscriptions/list which seems to be what you’re looking for? However I can’t test it myself as I have neither a youtube channel nor a youtube account.
I’ve had a play with that before and couldn’t make it do what I wanted, which was a simple list from which to pick a random entry. Will have to have another look at some point.
Thank you.
Your random number generator clearly knows a winner.
Have you enabled the true hardware RNG on your RPi?
You know what? The first I heard of it was when Ryan mentioned it on Twitter yesterday. So probably not. I’ll have a look at that.
So… who were the winners, and what did they win? ;-)
The winners were @DougieLawson and @EnzioBrk. They won a new breakout board prototype which I’m not ready to unleash on the world yet. The way I did it was, when I was ready to go, I tweeted asking people to send me an integer between 1 & 10. The first reply, was the chosen number. So we had the 5th and the 7th “picks”. I wanted a human element in the randomisation, and it also allowed follower participation.