Jun 262014

I managed to get some GPIO action on the Raspberry Pi Compute Module. Gordon Henderson tweeted, jokily, about a lack of LEDs in my first video, so I got out some LED boards I made last year, plugged them in and modified a python script to incorporate 32 ports :).
The video below shows the results, and also gives you a close-up of the ports, the compute module itself and removal and insertion.
The “dedicated I2C pins” are actually connected (only) to the camera and display connectors – more info here http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=98&t=80286
And yesterday I added the Compute Module and IO board pinouts to http://elinux.org/RPi_BCM2835_GPIOs Lubbly Jubbly :)
Heh, the pins on the IO board are all arranged quite logically, so there’s no need for you to create a Compute Module IO Board version of https://rasp.io/ports/ ;-)
LOL. That made me chuckle. ;)
Do you think compute module buyers would be in the right target market for that? :p
Another great video to make me jealous I can’t play with mine yet. Bring on Saturday :-)