Sep 152014

A Raspberry Pi SmartWatch? You’re kidding me right? Errrm. Yes. I mean… Well… This has a lot of the functionality of a smartwatch, but it wasn’t built for that purpose. It’s a little big, for starters. Let me back up and explain.

Last week, Apple released photos of their new smartwatch. Twitter, Google+ and every social network was awash with photos, comparison photos, criticism, analysis and good old-fashioned Apple-hating. By Thursday I was rather bored of it all, so I decided to make a joke tweet. I had this rather large Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) I got from my friend Daniel Bull at CamJam. He picked it up for me from the MKARS Rally in Milton Keynes. So I made up a mounting plate for it and had it displaying info from my Pi powered weather station’s COSM feed. It’s HUUUUUUUUGE!

Let’s Put It On Twitter

So I thought it’d be a good joke to stick it on my wrist and tweet a photo, like this…

I Was Right – People Enjoyed It

It turns out that I was right and a lot of people retweeted it. 100 RT within 15 minutes of tweeting. That was quite amazing. So because it got a lot of attention, I decided to make a little video walkround of it. Enjoy…

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