This week the new Pi Zero W was launched. A few weeks ago the new compute Module 3 was launched. It’s the Pi birthday party tomorrow. This can only mean one thing. It’s time for a new Pi family photo.
I had an interesting exchange with a publisher this week who wanted to use the November family photo in a book. They made me an offer. I added some terms. A contract was then sent to me, which absolutely didn’t reflect my terms and was very biased towards them. Under advice I declined it. So that’s not happening, but they were greedy. I was a bit rude, but it was last night after a fairly adrenaline-packed day (in case you don’t know, I launched a KickStarter which funded in 8.63 hours WOOT!). No time for dealing with plonkers in that state. If you are a creator, DO NOT ACCEPT CRAP CONTRACTS FROM PUBLISHERS. TELL THEM TO GO SWING!
I make this photo available to the world at this resolution under CC-BY-NC-SA4 The only stipulation is that the RasPi.TV credit remains intact.
So here’s the photo, and you can click it for a 1500px version.
Oh and by the way – if you like what I do here at RasPi.TV, please come and check out my KickStarter. This is how RasPi.TV is funded…
Awesome, I always love seeing your Pi Phamily Photo uPdates ;-) Are the new babies behaving themselves?
Yes they are. Zero W is excellent, although I must confess I haven’t sparked up the CM3 yet. As you read yesterday, I’ve been fairly busy lately :)
I’ve got my CM3 in https://www.wdc.com/products/wdlabs/wd-smart-cable-module.html
I just realised your collection is missing a CM3 Lite ;-)
I ordered one of each but Farnell sent me two of the CM3 – In any case they look the same from the top, so it was pointless to get too bothered about it.
Alex please add my Pi3 Japanese version to your RPi Line-up pics :)
Oh of course I will when I get the chance to do it :)
It would be cool to see release dates in the description of them.
Actually I did that in a blog post a couple of years ago. I should probably update that.
That kind of info can be seen at http://elinux.org/RPi_HardwareHistory#Board_Revision_History
Hi, excellent photo, and great that you release it under CC license – I will upload it, and some others I find by your website to Wikimedia Commons, so you will see it under https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Raspberry_Pi and I put it also in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi. Thanks! :)
I’am not sure if my earlier message was sent, so I try again.
Hi Alex, I have check again license for this image. By private way, I
fully understand you but images with NC attribute can’t exist in Wikimedia
projects, so – maybe could you release this picture with lower resolution
(700x649px) under less restricted license – CC-BY-SA? If not, I must
un-link and delete this file. Let me know what should I do, please.