Jun 012018

Shortly after the Raspberry Pi 3B+ came out, I realised that the PoE pins prevent the RasPiO Portsplus from fitting on the GPIO header.

So I redesigned it so it now fits on ALL 40-pin Raspberry Pis. The video tells the story…

What is Portsplus 3?

It’s a small PCB which can slip over the header of a Raspberry Pi so that you can identify all the GPIO pins. I find them really useful as it avoids counting pins and helps avoid wiring errors.

RasPiO Portsplus 3 - fits on all 40-pin Raspberry Pi

RasPiO Portsplus 3 – fits on all 40-pin Raspberry Pi

Get one for ‘FREE + shipping’ in Launch Offer

For the first week or so, you can get one for FREE (you just pay shipping, £2 UK/EU and £3 Rest of World). Click here to get yours.

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