Today marks a rather special day. I’ve just launched a KickStarter campaign for a brand new Raspberry Pi add-on board called the RasPiO Duino.
“Why is that special?” I hear you ask. Well it’s special for us because it’s our first fully solo venture in hardware. Also, my wife Malgosia is coming on-board to help with the kitting, shipping and admin. So it’s the start of a new family enterprise as well, which is all very exciting. It’s been in the works for a long time, but certain other things had to line up before we could start.
So What Is RasPiO Duino?
The best way to answer that is to watch the video or visit the RasPiO Duino KickStarter page
…but basically it’s a board that brings together the worlds of Pi and Arduino, and if you’re quick, you can grab one of the limited early birds for £9 plus shipping.
It’s been in the works a long time and could have been launched back in September 2014, but we had to wait for HDMIPi to clear first. This photo shows the progression in design revisions…
There is a rev 7 board in the works at RagWorm right now. I decided to rotate the orientation of the proto area to accomodate chips up to 14×2.
Please pop over to the KickStarter page and back the project. It’ll have some great instructions, tutorials and videos done RasPi.TV style.
What’s the power draw of the board when not connected to a pi? Is it low enough that I can use this instead of a breadboard-duino?
What are the power supply options? Apologies for asking and not watching video – am at work, they frown videos…
I’ll measure it in a bit but it’s only a few milli-Amps – depending on what you’re driving with it.
With the 3v3 jumper in place, the Pi 3v3 rail powers it. If you remove that jumper you can power it directly from the RasPiO duino 3v3 rail yourself. If it’s not connected to Pi, you _could_ even send 5V up that rail if you know what you’re doing. :)
A few mA is good; I’m aiming (with virtually constant sleep) to hit 1mA… I realise that I won’t hit this, probably, but with 2800mAh batteries, even 3ma should give 900 hours of runtime. A month isn’t bad.
I have backed this project! Arduino and Raspberry Pi, the combination is so powerfull with rich development environments!
Very nice project! You did a very nice begining on kickstarter. Full support for your project!
Thank you Guillaume :)