Apr 212015

A few weeks ago I was approached by the production company that makes the Gadget Show. They wanted some shots of things people have done with their Raspberry Pi. So I invited them to browse the RasPi.TV YouTube channel and see if there was anything suitable.
In the end they selected clips from four of my videos, I gave them permission to use them, and last night the show was aired. The videos used were part of a ‘Raspberry Pi hack’ slot involving making an internet radio. You can find the whole show here
Here is a screen recording of the part where they used clips from my videos…
And here are the separate videos in case you’re interested…
RasPiO Duino
Joseph’s Robot Arm from CamJam
RasPiCamcorder with VLC streaming
Bitscope Micro
Well done Alex, I saw this on TV last night too. Fame and fortune beckons… ;-)
You can keep the fame, but I’ll take the fortune ;p
You’re famous now, and everything. Soon be beyond the reach of us mere mortals :p
**deletes CamJam mention to prove point** ;p
Just found these. Well done for getting on the Gadget Show! – And for keeping us all informed about interesting things to do with Rasp Pi.