As many of you gathered, yesterday’s post was an April fools joke. I’ve decided to leave it exactly as it is so anyone who missed out can still see it. There are a lot of ‘Easter Eggs’ in the photo of the Pi model C. You can get a high resolution view if you click the photo…
I’d Like To Thank My Agent
A few weeks ago Jamie, Tim and Mike came up with the idea of a spoof ‘Pi model C’ and Mike asked me for a high resolution photo of the Pi 2 model B. I was well up for the prank, so I sent one over. Mike did a super job on the photoshop work. Last weekend we cooked up a story around it. We were pitching for…
“Implausible, but just about believeable if you’d had a bad night and weren’t firing on all cylinders.”
I put quite a lot of silliness into mine, trying to make it obvious enough. Mike’s “Simon Long quote” about the diagonal task bar nearly made me spit my beer when I first read it, it was so funny.
We also ran it past the RPF to make sure it wouldn’t cause them problems. We didn’t think it would do any harm, but you don’t mess with someone else’s reputation without checking first.
We didn’t want to upset too many people. In the end, it turns out the more than 800 people signed up to the “let me know when it’s back in stock” list at ThePiHut. How many of those were genuine or people who fell for the joke, WJDK. It doesn’t really matter.
We hope you enjoyed the prank as much as we did. Mike and I both had new daily traffic records out of it. Just goes to show, you can get a lot of traffic by writing a load of BS (I guess that’s what the newspapers have known for years) but it’s not something I’m planning to turn into a career.
Your agent Mr. E. Eggs certainly has an unusual name… ;-)
I’d like to see the bottom of this board.
Try as we might, we couldn’t get to the bottom of it. :)
See https://raspi.tv/2015/raspberry-pi-2-the-new-quad-core-a7-pi2
Don’t think I’ll be doing business with the Pi Hut any time soon.
Uh? They weren’t the *only* company pulling pranks yesterday you know?
I’ve always had good service from them whenever I’ve ordered non-imaginary items :)
Really, why?
I think my favourite is the “made in Potton, Bedfordshire” ;-)
THX-1138? HA! I liked that movie!
I thought C3PO was rather good and the rubbish bin with a tick.
What is that 4RSE component?
Inductor. Doctored for schoolboy humour of course :)
Mi è bastato mettere a confronto le foto del B e del C per vedere l’errore di posizionamento del chip ATMEGA che faceva intravedere la resistenza sotto di esso, cosa impossibile da avere su un PCB.
Auguri di Buona Pasqua a tutti
It was enough to compare photos of the B and C to see the positioning error of the ATMEGA chip that was a glimpse resistance under it, which is impossible to have on a PCB.
Happy Easter to all
Bitchin Fast
Made in Potton, Bedfordshire, R2D2, BITCHIN’ FAST GIGABIT ETHERNET, JIM55, CAMERA 4K