Apr 122013

Mike Brojak from DesignSpark, whose voice you can hear in the video, asked me to put together a Wii controller flag-waving demo (plus other bits) on their new PiGo board. You may remember catching a glimpse of it in the flag waving video I produced a few weeks ago?
This demo was destined for the Electronica exhibition in Shanghai, and I’ve just received a link to a little video the guys shot while they were there. (Thanks Yan :) )
Apparently it was well received, worked really well and only needed rebooting once in three days, which is pretty good. I’ve not always found the bluetooth link to be that robust.
Looks like an absolute monster of a board. I can’t listen to the vid at the moment, but is it safe to say it’s like a super expandable Gertboard?
It is very flexible and expandable and rather big yes. :)
I’m guessing that means it’ll be rather expensive too? :-/
I think they’re shooting for £20 for the base board, but don’t quote me on that. :)
[…] made a Wiimote flag demo for the PiGo for DesignSpark to display in […]
Just spotted this as part of a longer Youtube video :-)
Good catch. Thanks Andrew. :)