I was keeping an eye on the RS and Farnell sites on Monday morning because I’d heard a ‘reliable whisper’ that the model A was launching this week. I didn’t know what day, but I figured it might be Monday. No sign of anything early morning, but then I forgot and didn’t see Liz’s announcement on the Pi blog until a couple of hours after they went live. By that time, RS was showing back order, but Farnell had stock levels of ~1800, so I snagged one. I got a “shipped” email about 3 hours later and, just for fun, checked stock levels again. ~1000 this time. So, not quite the mayhem of a year ago, but healthy sales nevertheless.
Another one?
I was going to buy another Pi anyway after damaging the spi ports on one of my Rev 1 Pis last week, but I held back after hearing that the model A was imminent. Might as well have one of those instead. It’s just as good for GPIO stuff and I can set it up on wireless or use my USB-RS232 tty terminal adaptor to login. Of course, there’s always the good-old keyboard and monitor approach as well. :)
So what’s it like then?
It’s a lot like a Rev 2 model B, but without the network socket and chip and only one USB port and the same 256 Mb RAM as the original model A. First impression on handling is that it feels a lot lighter. I weighed a model A and a model B. Model B weighs 41g, model A weighs 31g. That will please those who are going to put them in balloons, planes and ‘copters. “Raspberry Pi model A, the one ounce computer” (nearly).
I’m not sure what the blue splodge is on my CE mark, but I’m going to attack it with some meths and a cotton bud. ;) (It was ink or dye and came off very easily with meths, leaving no trace.)
Here are some photos (click to enlarge)…
I’m glad it has the eight P5 header holes nice and empty of solder so I can try out the extra ports.
Where else can you get a UK made, brand new linux computer for £20 delivered?
Here’s a short video tour
It works too
I just swapped out the SD card, wifi dongle HDMI lead and ribbon cable from another pi and fired up the model A. It worked just as it should do. cat /proc/cpuinfo
reports revision number of 0008
Wow! That board came quickly, didn’t it! Hate to say it, but I think the model A looks very cute and petite compared to the model B, so I’m beginning to see the attraction. I reckon that they’ll get bundled with one of those serial cables and maybe a wifi-dongle fairly soon.
Have you tried it in any of the model B cases yet?
Do you fancy getting a pair of scales out and saying what the weight difference is? :-)
Oh go on then. I should have done it anyway, but since you press me, here are the weights of the bare boards…
A rev 1 model B weighs 41g
A model A weighs 31g
I thought it felt lighter. That may only be 10g absolute, but it’s 25% lighter.
We’ve got a 1 Oz computer here. :) (just over if you want to be picky)
Take a bite of this 1oz computer… You should sell that advertising tagline to the Foundation. :-)
Not seeing the old manufacture date near the Ethernet port (It used to say 12 28) for example meaning 2012 the 28th week. I wonder if it’s the 12 49 in white? However nice on getting 1 0f 6 though.
Yeah the 12 49 I think means the PCB was made in week 49 of 2012. I don’t know how long it takes between then and populating the board. But it 06 13 now :)
Not quite sure what you mean by
I think he’s referring to the “1 OF 6” mark printed on the board slightly right of where the Ethernet pins would be.
Ah yes – I see it now. I thought he thought I had a limited special or something :)
i think that is because they are produced in batches of 6 (search the site for the factory video)..
Yes that must be it :)
[…] A pa se je že pojavilo pri prejemnikih, prvi pa naj bi bil Alex, ki piše prispevke na RasPi.TV. Njegov prispevek naj bi bil tudi prvi pogled na Model A na spletu. In pa še video, kjer je na hitro pokazal samo […]
[…] of the camera is not the only good news coming out in Liz’s post. She also linked to a post by Alex at Raspi.TV regarding his newly arrived Raspberry Pi Model A. The recently released Model A weighs almost 25% […]
[…] Raspberry Pi Model A first impressions and photos, from RasPi: I was keeping an eye on the RS and Farnell sites on Monday morning because I’d heard a ‘reliable whisper’ that the model A was launching this week. I didn’t know what day, but I figured it might be Monday. No sign of anything early morning, but then I forgot and didn’t see Liz’s announcement on the Pi blog until a couple of hours after they went live. By that time, RS was showing back order, but Farnell had stock levels of ~1800, so I snagged one. I got a “shipped” email about 3 hours later and, just for fun, checked stock levels again. ~1000 this time. So, not quite the mayhem of a year ago, but healthy sales nevertheless. […]
[…] Rev 2 model B, but it has only one USB port, no ethernet port, no USB/ethernet chip and 256 Mb RAM. The $25 model A was released in February 2013. On the day I got mine, the day after launch, I made a quick and dirty “I’ve got mine […]
[…] Rev 2 model B, but it has only one USB port, no ethernet port, no USB/ethernet chip and 256 Mb RAM. The $25 model A was released in February 2013. On the day I got mine, the day after launch, I made a quick and dirty “I’ve got mine first” […]