Jul 062014

A couple of weeks ago, Russell Barnes interviewed me via a skype voice call. We had a half-hour discussion about HDMIPi, RasPi.TV and RasPiO as well as the Raspberry Pi in general and a bit of background stuff that I don’t tend to blog about.
Russell is doing a great job with his RasPi.Today podcast and web site. He really did his homework in advance of the interview and in post production. There was definitely a need for a high quality Raspberry Pi based podcast, and I’m glad Russell has decided to fill the gap.
This was published on Friday. If you’re interested, have a listen.
Back in 2014 I saw on the HDMIPi site there was a 10 inch HDMIPi screen coming, but when i search for it nearly 2 years later, i can’t find it.
Yes Adafruit has a 10,1 inch HDMI screen, but I think that it is not a new HDMIPi screen but a product of their own.
Is the 10 inch HDMIPi display coming or can i forget that?
That’s because the HDMIPi project is dead.