After a very long slog getting the injection moulding tools perfect, the Official Raspberry Pi Case is now launched and available. Here’s a video walk-round of what it’s like… You can read the story of why it was difficult and took such a long time here.

At Last week-end’s Cambridge Jam I met Albert Hickey @winkleink, who showed me this extremely cool brain-wave controlled version of Flappy Bird. This is a video post, so I’ll let the video do the talking… Albert runs the Egham Raspberry Jam and his blog can be found here. He’s written the project up and shared the code there. @RasPiTV Thank you for doing this. Will have all set up to play at @EghamJam on the 12th of July. — Winkleink (@winkleink) June 15, 2015

There’s something special about the Cambridge Raspberry Jam. Firstly it’s in Cambridge, the birthplace of Raspberry Pi. Secondly it’s run by two of my good friends Mike @recantha and Tim @Geeky_Tim. Thirdly it’s held at the Institute of Astronomy, which is a brilliant venue for such an event. Fourthly, there’s always a lot of prominent Pi people there. It’s great to meet people from the community and find out what they’re up to. The June 6th Jam was a “normal” jam. There was no specific theme, but there was a full programme of talks in […more…]

Having completed the KickStarter fulfilment a long way ahead of schedule, we’re now ready to launch RasPiO® Duino on general sale. We thought it would be nice to launch it officially today at the Cambridge Jam. What Is A RasPiO® Duino? RasPiO® Duino is a small plug-on board for Raspberry Pi. It has similar functionality to an Arduino Uno, but is fully programmable from the Raspberry Pi. Once programmed, it can be removed from the Pi and used on its own. If you’re interested in the full product description you can find that here. Free […more…]

Around about this time three years ago, I bought and installed five EasyN pan-and-tilt ip cameras to keep an eye on various viewpoints of our houses in the UK and Poland. I think they were about £45 each on Amazon. They’re not too hard to set up and they work tolerably well. The main downside is that their resolution is only 640 x 480 pixels, which is not enough to read a car numberplate from across the street. It’s fairly poor resolution, but you can see something. The colours are a bit washed out too […more…]

A few weeks ago I was approached by the production company that makes the Gadget Show. They wanted some shots of things people have done with their Raspberry Pi. So I invited them to browse the RasPi.TV YouTube channel and see if there was anything suitable. In the end they selected clips from four of my videos, I gave them permission to use them, and last night the show was aired. The videos used were part of a ‘Raspberry Pi hack’ slot involving making an internet radio. You can find the whole show here Here […more…]

As many of you gathered, yesterday’s post was an April fools joke. I’ve decided to leave it exactly as it is so anyone who missed out can still see it. There are a lot of ‘Easter Eggs’ in the photo of the Pi model C. You can get a high resolution view if you click the photo… I’d Like To Thank My Agent A few weeks ago Jamie, Tim and Mike came up with the idea of a spoof ‘Pi model C’ and Mike asked me for a high resolution photo of the Pi 2 […more…]

They’ve done it again. This time with almost no leaks. Today marks the launch of the next model Raspberry Pi, the model C. It’s an upgraded version of the Pi2 model B with some exciting new features. “People have been whinging since day one about 100 Mbit ethernet. Frankly we’re sick of it.” Says Eben Upton, “But while we were in the Far East recently, we found a new supplier who had some really good value Gigabit chips, with matching ports. We negotiated a deal. As you know, price is a key factor in Pi […more…]

I’ve been using lithium polymer (lipo) batteries since 2006, when I nervously shelled out £30 for a 3 cell 1600 mAh 10C HiModel lipo to power my EasyStar RC plane. I also spent about the same on a charger and balancer for it. Thankfully, all these things have come down a lot in price since then. I don’t think I’d expect to pay much more than £10 for an equivalent battery now. Typical lipo batteries for large devices have multiple cells. A lipo cell has a no-load resting voltage of 4.2 V when fully charged […more…]

At the Raspberry Pi 3rd Birthday weekend, I met Pete Lomas for the first time. Pete is a Founding Trustee of the Raspberry Pi Foundation (in his spare time). For his day job, he’s Director of Engineering at Norcott Technologies. Pete has been involved in the Raspberry Pi story since very near the beginning. He designed the original model B & A production PCB. I had a chance to have a chat with him on day 2 of the Raspberry Pi birthday celebrations. If you’re a Pi geek or interested in how it all happened, […more…]