A few weeks ago I blogged about the flight of the bumblebee on Sonic Pi, but didn’t get a video done at the time because the GPU on my computer was playing up. I later reflowed it with my paint-stripper heat gun and it’s working pretty well now. (Jason “boeeerb” Barnett explained how to do it in about 3 tweets on twitter.) I thought now was the time to kill two birds with one stone and show you Sonic Pi flight of the bumblebee in video, whilst simultaneously demonstrating the HDMIPi V1 prototype (with sound) […more…]
Connecting HDMIPi to your phone via MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link) and HDMI is probably not what most people are backing HDMIPi for, but at least one person has asked me about it. He’s a mobile app developer who wants to work on a larger screen. It just so happens that I’m one of those ‘nutters’ who likes to buy adaptors to make things connect to each other – whether I need them to or not. I just like to do it “because it can be done”. So, shortly after I found out that my Samsung […more…]
The HDMIPi KickStarter campaign continues. We still have 19 days to run and there’s one more KS Pi record within reach. BrickPi had 1,702 backers. We currently have 1,627 backers at the time of starting to write this. With 19 days still left, you’d have to think it’s quite reachable. If we can raise another £10,000, we’ll have doubled the previous record amount for a Raspberry Pi KickStarter project (previously held by BrickPi). Neither of these are why we “did” HDMIPi, though, and we’ve already exceeded our expectations. Records are nice, but not important. We […more…]
Yesterday, Dave Mellor and I went to visit Paul and Jon at Pimoroni. One of the main things we wanted to do was discuss the case/surround design of our HDMIPi screen Kickstarter project with the guys. So we showed Paul and Jon the V1 prototype in action and left a V2 LCD screen with Paul for the mechanical design. We hope to be able to show some designs or sketches in due course. We actually shot some of our Kickstarter video at Pimoroni. The pick and place machine in the video is the one that […more…]
On Thursday afternoon at 15:27 I launched my first KickStarter campaign. It’s called HDMIPi, (pronounced HD My Pi). Basically, it’s a 9 inch HDMI screen with 1280×800 pixels, so it’s high-definition, but not full HD. I’ve joined forces with Cyntech for this project, as they have the experience and connections to see it through. Pimoroni will be doing the case/surround for it. Since the Pi’s fantastic GPU can handle HD, an HD screen seems desirable. But small HD screens are stupidly expensive. So, in the spirit of Pi, we thought we’d see what could be […more…]
After trying out the new Pi NoIR camera in a daylight comparison, it was time to test it for its main role. Apart from specialist applications in botany, etc. the “killer app” for Pi NoIR is night vision. You need an infra-red source to illuminate the target area. The only one I had to hand was an IP cam, which has a light sensor on it and ten infra-red LEDs. When it starts to get dark, the leds switch on. I’ve got another IR source on the way from Phenoptix, which I plan to dedicate […more…]
While I was at the Raspberry Pi HQ in Cambridge last week, I thought it would be fun to shoot a little video of the new Pi NoIR camera using my RasPiCamcorder and some close-up lenses. It seemed like an unmissable opportunity. It’s a rather short video, but you should see some people you’ll recognise in it. I also tacked onto the end a quick comparison of daylight use of the Pi NoIR and RasPiCam. This shows why Sunny were a bit reluctant to release a version with no IR filter in case people tried […more…]
The PiNoIR Raspberry Pi camera without infra-red filter is about to hit the streets. It looks like the first purchased units have shipped already. Matt “Raspberry Pi Spy” Hawkins has got one he bought from RS. I’m not quite sure what happened there, since the product isn’t officially launched yet. But no doubt others will have them soon enough. Needless to say, before it even officially hits the streets, people are arguing about what it is, what it isn’t and how the Raspberry Pi Foundation should and shouldn’t be referring to it. (What a pedantic, […more…]
I went to visit the Raspberry Pi Foundation in Cambridge on Friday. It was really nice to finally meet Liz and the ever-growing team. We exchanged “black boards”. I gave them samples of some prototypes I’ve been working on, and they gave me one of the new Pi NoIR camera boards with “No IR” filter. I tried it out with John (who’s been working with Gordon on solving the USB issues). It works exactly the same way as the green PiCam. The only difference is that, because there’s no infra-red filter, daytime colours look a […more…]
I wanted to be able to interact with my twitter account(s) using Python scripts. I’d heard there was a Python library called tweepy that does a lot of the Applications Programming Interface (API) work for you. I’d also seen quite a few posts in the Python section of the Raspberry Pi Forums, where people had problems with it. Prize Draw I thought I’d take a look, spurred on by the idea that I’d like to be able to select a random twitter follower every once-in-a-while for a prize draw. So, last week, I spent a […more…]